Sunday, August 10, 2008

Made It, Said It, and Did It

Make It

Let's face it. We all want to be that one parent in our child's class who always comes up with the fabulous ideas for the parties and special events. Try this one. It was the hit for the Halloween party my son's Pre-K year. (Yes, it felt GREAT!!!)

Save your old cans. I used my daughter's empty powdered baby formula cans but you can use coffee cans, veggie cans, or any cans that you can collect on pretty regular basis. Enlist friends and family if you can. Just remember, the larger the can, the more it takes to fill them.

Make sure the cans are clean, VERY CLEAN! Dry the cans thoroughly before you put them up or else they may rust. Store them in a dry area until you save enough for the whole class. Remember to find out how many kids are in the class ahead of time and I usually fix a couple of extra in case of new students or visitors. If you have extra, give them to the teachers, too.

For now take the cans outdoors or to any well ventilated area and spraypaint the outside of the cans. Use a color that will make it easy to paint over if necessary. I usually use white unless I can match the exact background color that I want. It was easier to use a cheap white spray paint than to hunt down a pumpkin orange for Halloween. The spray paint will stick to the cans' surfaces better and make them easier to decorate.

Once dry, take the cans in and use paint to get them the exact color you want or to add decorations. For example, I made jack-o-lantern cans for Halloween so I painted them all orange and painted eyes, nose, and blushing cheeks. I used a black marker to draw a smile from cheek to cheek and to outline the eyes and add fine details. How cute! For birthdays, try balloons or Happy Birthday. For summer vacation, try a simple beach scene or just suns or clouds but KEEP IT SIMPLE! The more detailed the can, the longer it will take to do all of them. You can use stickers if the outside of the can is smooth enough. Use markers for fine lines or words to make it easier or to outline to cover up that "oops!"

Use a hot glue gun to cover ALL sharp edges. You can line the inside of the can with a little fabric for an added touch and to also help cover the raw edges after it's painted.

Put a handle on the can by punching holes near the top with a hammer and nail. Lay the can on its side and go from the inside out so that you can cover the edges of the hole with hot glue and the can doesn't bend as bad. Use jute twine, string, or wire for the handle. If you decide on wire, remember to cover the ends with hot glue! What did I ever do without my hot glue!

Once the cans are painted, try coating the outside with a clear spraypaint to keep the paint from getting scratched off as easily, especially with the smaller kids. The clear coat allows the cans to be saved and enjoyed by the kids later. Some of the jack-o-lantern cans went trick-or-treating that night.

Fill the can with goodies and treats that fit your theme. Kids are easy to please. The look of the can will impress them more than what's in it. Use the little packs of party favors that have multiple objects in them to save money. I love to look at those stores where everything is a dollar. I usually find alot of different things to fit in the cans. Just remember when shopping to keep in mind the age of the kids they are going to. Don't buy small objects for small kids that can be put in the mouth and leave out the hard candies that they can get choked on. Try snack size treats like individual cups of pudding, juice boxes, or fruit shapes in individual packages. Larger items fill up the cans faster.

Take one of the cans to the store with you so that you will have an idea of how much the can will hold. This will also help keep your theme in mind and help give you ideas of what to put in them.

Now, take them to your child's class or pass them out at your child's birthday party and listen to all the compliments! Remember to say thank you as you are grinning from ear to ear. LOL!
Say It
Is everyone as tired of bad customer service as I am? I have gotten fed up with being ignored, looked down at, and being treated as if I am bothering them because I dared ask a question. I've had it! I have begun filing complaints with their main offices. It is so easy to find the phone numbers on the internet.
The first complaint was to Wendy's. We went on a weekend trip to the beach. For lunch we stopped at the local restaurant. As we were waiting for our order to be filled, another customer came back to the counter to return a hamburger that was not prepared like she ordered. The cashier opened the burger on the counter and the customer lifted the bun to show her whatever was wrong. The burger was then wrapped back up and taken to the manager who looked at the burger and after wrapping it back up, placed it on the counter where the burgers were put together. Imagine my disgust as this same burger was then grabbed and put on my tray. Yep! You read that right! I quickly let them know that they were going to take that one back and fix me another. I got the evilest look from the manager who was the one fixing the burgers!! I got my NEW hamburger but not before noticing that the returned burger that had been handled by at least 3 other people was laid back at the counter to be handed out to the next unsuspecting customer who ordered a single cheeseburger. YUCK!!! As soon as we got home, I called the Wendy's headquarters and proceeded to gross out the representative by relating the story. She filed the complaint and apologized for the incident. About a week later, I received a written apology and some coupons for free food from Wendy's. Bet you can guess which Wendy's I didn't use them at!
I don't file complaints over every little thing that goes wrong. I know that sometimes people have a bad day or simply forget something. But, the stores or restaurants that really do something that I can't live with or repeatedly treat customers like bothersome creatures from the swamps, YOU ARE GETTING REPORTED!!
Let me know about any bad experiences you have had.
Do It
Take the family out for a walk today. Find a nice place and just stroll along enjoying the time together. If possible, find a place where the kids can run off a little of that energy. They will enjoy your attention and they will wear themselves out so that they will be ready for bed!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Let's Get Started!

Everyone has things they want to do, things they want to say, or places they want to go. Something always seems to get in the way. We don't have time or someone may get angry or not like us. I'm too tired or I can't afford that right now.
Isn't it time we just decide SO WHAT?!!! What are we waiting for? I was once told that if I really wanted to do something I would make time for it. He was right! I love to paint and do crafts. With 2 growing kids and a husband, it gets crazy. My hobbies have been severely neglected. My paints have grown angry. My craft supplies sigh longingly in the closet.
I want to travel and explore new places. I want to try new things. I want to stop feeling obligated to say yes everytime someone asks me to do something. The "requests" are beginning to feel more like orders. At times I feel like a robot programmed to only reply "Yes," "I will," and "OK."
I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. So let me hear from you. I want to put craft ideas, vacation & getaway ideas, & new things to try on hear. Got an idea or an experience? TIME TO SHARE!!!!

Spend time with your kids today. No matter how much they run you ragged, you'll miss them when they are gone. Bliss can only last through so much peace and quiet.

I'll have this next time. Sorry!

Spend time looking at the clouds. What shapes do you see? I've got pics of a teddy bear, a gorilla, and a snail so far. Not to mention some beautiful shots of the setting sun reflecting lots of colors off the clouds. One of the best ways to wind down.